Welcome! We are so glad you're here. Our Children’s Ministry team is committed to caring for the needs of all children and empowering them to become leaders through their God-given gifts. Our mission is to impact the lives of children with the truth of God’s Word, the power of the Holy Spirit, and the love of the Savior, Jesus Christ, as we partner with parents in the spiritual training of their children. Our goal for every gathering is that children are physically safe, emotionally loved and spiritually fed.
The average church only has 40 hours in a given year to influence a child’s life. The average parent has more than 3,000 hours per year to influence their child’s life. The church and home are two powerful influences on this planet and exist because God desires to use them together to demonstrate His plan of redemption and restoration. Here at Hope, our desire is to partner with parents, grandparents, and caregivers for the spiritual development of families and we use the Orange philosophy to do so.
In conjunction with the Sunday morning worship service, we host a Nursery and Kids Church program for children 3 months - 8th grade. You can check out the age groups below to discover more details for your child’s participation. When you arrive on campus, come to our Family Ministry station, located at the covered kiosk on our central patio, to get your child(ren) checked in with their group. We look forward to meeting you!
If you are a first time guest who will be participating online, we would be happy to share our resources for Kids Church at Home. To request these, please contact
Below is a list of the classes that we facilitate for Hope Kids Church during the Sunday morning worship service.
These classes will be in effect for the 2024-2025 school year (August 2024 – July 2025).
(3 months-36 months)
Our nursery staff provides a safe and loving environment for your baby’s care while you worship. Our care team is available 15 minutes prior to the start of service so that you can provide specific instructions for your child for that morning. We will ask for your cell number in case we need to contact you during the service.
(3 years-TK)
This environment provides an engaging atmosphere of fun, friendship and learning for 3 - 5 year olds. The teaching and supervision of this group is conducted by Hope City Church staff members who provide a consistent and familiar atmosphere for the kids. Our goal is to partner with parents in setting a foundation of Biblical knowledge for their child and to help facilitate each child’s growing understanding of their relationship with Jesus Christ.
In their own environment, our elementary kids explore the teachings of the Bible to establish or build on their foundation of knowledge and learn new ways to apply this knowledge to their daily lives. Guided by their group leaders, kids will participate in group activities, games, discussion and prayer. We believe that kids will get to know God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit as they interact with Scripture, their leaders and with one another in this group.
(3rd-5th grade)
According to Barna Research, the preteen years are crucial to the spiritual development of your child. As a church, we desire to partner with you as you parent your preteen. During these years, most kids undergo huge changes and challenges related to their self-image and their choices concerning morals, beliefs, relationships and life goals. It often becomes a difficult time in the relationship between parents and kids, but it is also one of the most critical times for parents to make sure they stay connected and accessible to their kids. Our goal is to provide teaching and resources for your preteen to grow in their knowledge and relationship with Jesus. This is accomplished through their interaction with their group leaders on Sunday mornings and through the weekly resources provided for your conversations at home.
(6th-8th GRADE)
Join us during the 9AM service on Sundays. During these years the goal is to inspire deeper faith in kids by connecting the timeless truth of the gospel to the way they actually process information in this stage of their life. Our small group experiences help to hold the attention of distracted brains to make abstract lessons concrete and applicable to their daily life. This is a stage when kids are challenged by their leaders to make their faith their own and to know what they believe.